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Sabbth is committed to giving rest to those who need it most. Countless people give their talents, time and resources to serve those they love all over the world. We want to care for these super heroes so that they can fully carry out their missions to help others. 

Linda Swanson Paraclete Conference

Linda with conference attendee.

Currently, Sabbth has pledged 10% of proceeds to Paraclete associate Linda Swanson's work of holding retreats and conferences for humanitarians serving as missionaries, teachers, doctors and more in under-developed countries worldwide. While Paraclete is a faith-based organization, Linda and her team, who have extensive experience in similar global missions work, open their services to all people serving in the geographies where their retreats and conferences take place. The retreats vary in activity, often encompassing lessons on how to enter sabbath, techniques assimilating to new cultures and coping with stress that many overseas humanitarians face. Find out more about Paraclete and what Linda does on her bio page or follow along her journeys chronicled on her Blog